Professor Alan Melcher
Group Leader: Translational Immunotherapy, Breast Cancer Immunology

Professor Alan Melcher graduated in medicine from the University of Oxford in 1989, and trained in Clinical Oncology (Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy) in Cardiff, London and Leeds.
Following completion of his PhD at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund (now Cancer Research UK) in London, he was a post-doctoral research fellow at the Mayo Clinic, Minnesota, before returning to the UK, where he became Professor of Clinical Oncology and Biotherapy in Leeds in 2007.
In April 2016, he moved to The Institute of Cancer Research, London, as Professor of Translational Immunology and Honorary Consultant Oncologist at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. He combines a clinical practice in head and neck cancer and melanoma with laboratory and translational research focused on oncolytic viruses and immunotherapy for the treatment of cancer.
Professor Melcher is the Lead of the Centre for Immunotherapy of Cancer, a virtual Centre bringing together staff and students from the ICR and our partner hospital, the Royal Marsden, that aims to increase communication between clinicians and scientists with an interest in translational immunotherapy.
Centre for Immunotherapy of Cancer
Professor Melcher is also a member of the Cancer Research UK Convergence Science Centre, which brings together leading researchers in engineering, physical sciences, life sciences and medicine to develop innovative ways to address challenges in cancer.
BA Physiological Sciences, University of Oxford.
BM BCh, University of Oxford.
Member of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists, London.
PhD, University of London.
Editorial BoardsClinical Cancer Research.
New Agents Committee, . Cancer Research UK.
Biotherapeutic Expert Review Panel, . Cancer Research UK.
Drug Development Office annual review panel, . Cancer Research UK.
Research Management Committee, . BioCanRx.
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Types of Publications
Journal articles
<h4>Purpose</h4>Fusogenic membrane glycoproteins (FMG), such as the vesicular stomatitis virus G glycoprotein (VSV-G), represent a new class of gene therapy for cancer that cause cytotoxic fusion on expression in tumor cells. In addition, FMG-mediated tumor cell death stimulates antitumor immunity, suggesting potential applications for FMG-expressing cellular vaccines. This study addresses the promise of FMG-expressing allogeneic tumor cells, which are most practical for clinical use, as a novel platform for ex vivo and in situ vaccination.<h4>Experimental design</h4>Murine B16 melanoma-derived cell lines expressing autologous or allogeneic MHC class I, expressing fusogenic or nonfusogenic VSV-G, were used to vaccinate mice in vivo against a live tumor challenge. Exosome-like vesicles released by fusing allogeneic cells (syncitiosomes) and intratumoral injection of fusing vaccines were also tested as novel therapeutic strategies for their antitumor effects.<h4>Results</h4>Expression of fusogenic VSV-G enhanced the immunogenicity of an allogeneic cellular vaccine, which was more effective than a fusing autologous vaccine. Allogeneic syncitiosomes were only as effective as cellular vaccines when administered with adjuvant, demonstrating that syncitiosomes cannot account entirely for the mechanism of immune priming. Intratumoral injection of FMG-expressing allogeneic cells led to significant tumor regression using both fusogenic or nonfusogenic VSV-G. However, specific priming against tumor-associated antigenic epitopes and protection against secondary rechallenge only occurred if the initial vaccine was competent for cell fusion.<h4>Conclusions</h4>FMG-expressing allogeneic tumor cells are a potent source of antitumor vaccines. Syncitiosomes given with adjuvant and intratumoral injection of fusing cells represent novel strategies well-suited to clinical translation.
Fusogenic membrane glycoproteins (FMG) are a family of viral genes that, when expressed in tumour cells, trigger extensive cell to cell fusion and subsequent cell death. Gene therapy approaches using FMG are also potentially immunogenic, since syncitia generated ex vivo can be therapeutic as antitumour vaccines in murine models. This study has addressed the mechanisms responsible for the immunogenicity of FMG-mediated cell death, and its applicability to human immune priming. We show that fusion of human Mel888 melanoma cells following transfection with FMG can reverse the suppressive effects of Mel888 on dendritic cells (DC) phenotype, and potentiate IL-12 production by DC on activation in a cell contact-dependent manner. DC loaded with fusing, but not intact, tumour cells primed a naive, tumour-specific cytotoxic T-cell response, which was MHC class I-restricted and associated with production of high levels of IFNgamma and, later, IL-5. Fusing cells were an effective source of antigen for DC cross-priming and presentation of the melanoma-specific antigen gp100 to a specific T-cell clone. These data show, in a human system, that FMG represent an immunogenic, as well as cytotoxic, gene therapy for cancer, reversing the inhibitory effects of tumour cells on DC to potentiate IL-12 production and naive T-cell priming.
Dendritic cells (DC) are professional antigen-presenting cells (APC) of the immune system, uniquely able to prime naive T-cell responses. They are the focus of a range of novel strategies for the immunotherapy of cancer, a proportion of which include treating DC with ionising radiation to high dose. The effects of radiation on DC have not, however, been fully characterised. We therefore cultured human myeloid DC from CD14+ precursors, and studied the effects of ionising radiation on their phenotype and function. Dendritic cells were remarkably resistant against radiation-induced apoptosis, showed limited changes in surface phenotype, and mostly maintained their endocytic, phagocytic and migratory capacity. However, irradiated DC were less effective in a mixed lymphocyte reaction, and on maturation produced significantly less IL-12 than unirradiated controls, while IL-10 secretion was maintained. Furthermore, peptide-pulsed irradiated mature DC were less effective at naive T-cell priming, stimulating fewer effector cells with lower cytotoxicity against antigen-specific targets. Hence irradiation of DC in vitro, and potentially in vivo, has a significant impact on their function, and may shift the balance between T-cell activation and tolerization in DC-mediated immune responses.
<h4>Purpose</h4>The goals of this study were (a) to investigate whether preconditioning of immunocompetent mice with PC-61-mediated regulatory T-cell (Treg) depletion and interleukin-2 (IL-2) would enhance systemic delivery of reovirus into subcutaneous tumors and (b) to test whether cyclophosphamide (CPA), which is clinically approved, could mimic PC-61 for modification of Treg activity for translation into the next generation of clinical trials for intravenous delivery of reovirus.<h4>Experimental design</h4>C57Bl/6 mice bearing subcutaneous B16 tumors were treated with CPA or PC-61 followed by 10 injections of low-dose IL-2. Mice were then treated with intravenous reovirus. Virus localization to tumor and other organs was measured along with tumor growth and systemic toxicity.<h4>Results</h4>Preconditioning with PC-61 and IL-2 enhanced localization of intravenous oncolytic reovirus to tumors with significantly increased antitumor therapy compared with controls (P < 0.01). However, with the maximal achievable dose of reovirus, Treg modification + IL-2 was also associated with systemic toxicity. CPA (100 mg/kg) did not deplete, but did functionally inhibit, Treg. CPA also mimicked PC-61, in combination with IL-2, by inducing "hyperactivated" NK cells. Consistent with this, preconditioning with CPA + IL-2 enhanced therapy of intravenously delivered, intermediate-dose reovirus to a level indistinguishable from that induced by PC-61 + IL-2, without any detectable toxicity.<h4>Conclusion</h4>With careful reference to ongoing clinical trials with dose escalation of reovirus alone and in combination with CPA, we propose that future clinical trials of CPA + IL-2 + reovirus will allow for both improved levels of virus delivery and increased antitumor efficacy.
Oncolytic viruses delivered directly into the circulation face many hazards that impede their localization to, and infection of, metastatic tumors. Such barriers to systemic delivery could be overcome if couriers, which confer both protection, and tumor localization, to their viral cargoes, could be found. Several preclincal studies have shown that viruses can be loaded into, or onto, different types of cells without losing the biological activity of either virus or cell carrier. Importantly, such loading can significantly protect the viruses from immune-mediated virus-neutralizing activities, including antiviral antibody. Moreover, an impressive portfolio of cellular vehicles, which have some degree of tropism for tumor cells themselves, or for the biological properties associated with the tumor stroma, is already available. Therefore, it will soon be possible to initiate clinical protocols to test the hypopthesis that cell-mediated delivery can permit efficient shipping of oncolytic viruses from the loading bay (the production laboratory) directly to the tumor in immune-competent patients with metastatic disease.
There is an emerging realization from animal models that the immune response may have both detrimental and beneficial therapeutic effects during cancer virotherapy. However, there is a dearth of clinical data on the immune response to viral agents in patients. During a recently completed phase I trial of intravenous reovirus type 3 Dearing (RT3D), heavily pretreated patients with advanced cancers received RT3D at doses escalating from 1 x 10(8) tissue culture infectious dose-50 (TCID(50)) on day 1 to 3 x 10(10) TCID(50) on 5 consecutive days of a 4 weekly cycle. A detailed analysis of the immune effects was conducted by collecting serial clinical samples for analysis of neutralizing anti-reoviral antibodies (NARA), peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and cytokines. Significant increases in NARA were seen with peak endpoint titres >1/10 000 in all but one patient. The median fold increase was 250, with a range of 9-6437. PBMC subset analysis showed marked heterogeneity. At baseline, CD3+CD4+ T cells were reduced in most patients, but after RT3D therapy their numbers increased in 47.6% of patients. In contrast, most patients had high baseline CD3+CD8+ T-cell levels, with 33% showing incremental increases after therapy. In some patients, there was increased cytotoxic T-cell activation post-therapy, as shown by increased CD8+perforin/granzyme+ T-cell numbers. Most patients had high numbers of circulating CD3-CD56+ NK cells before therapy and in 28.6% this increased with treatment. Regulatory (CD3+CD4+CD25+) T cells were largely unaffected by the therapy. Combined Th1 and Th2 cytokine expression increased in 38% of patients. These data confirm that even heavily pretreated patients are capable of mounting dynamic immune responses during treatment with RT3D, although these responses are not clearly related to the administered virus dose. These data will provide the basis for future studies aiming to modulate the immune response during virotherapy.
We describe a simple technology used to cure an established metastatic disease. Intradermal injection of plasmid DNA encoding a transcriptionally targeted cytotoxic gene, along with hsp70, not only promoted tissue-specific, inflammatory killing of normal melanocytes, but also induced a CD8(+) T-cell-dependent, antigen-specific response in mice that eradicated systemically established B16 tumors. This CD8(+) T cell response was subsequently suppressed in vivo within a few days. The data demonstrate that deliberate destruction of normal tissue can be exploited to generate immunity against a malignant disease originating from that tissue. This approach obviates the need to identify tumor antigens and does not require complex isolation of tumor cells or their derivatives. In addition, it provides a model system for studying the mechanisms underlying the etiology and control of autoimmune diseases. Finally, despite targeting normal tissue, therapy could be separated from development of overt autoimmune symptoms, suggesting that the strategy may be valuable against tumors derived from both non-essential and essential tissue types.
<h4>Purpose</h4>The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether it is possible to achieve truly systemic delivery of oncolytic reovirus, in immunocompetent hosts, using cyclophosphamide to overcome some of the barriers to effective intratumoral delivery and replication of i.v. injected virus.<h4>Experimental design</h4>I.v. delivery of reovirus was combined with different regimens of i.p. administered cyclophosphamide in C57Bl/6 mice bearing established s.c. B16 tumors. Intratumoral viral replication, tumor size, and survival were measured along with levels of neutralizing antibody (NAb) in the blood. Finally, differential toxicities of the virus/cyclophosphamide regimens were monitored through viral replication in systemic organs, survival, and cardiac damage.<h4>Results</h4>Repeated i.v. injection of reovirus was poorly effective at seeding intratumoral viral replication/oncolysis. However, by combining i.v. virus with cyclophosphamide, viral titers of between 10(7) and 10(8) plaque-forming units per milligram were recovered from regressing tumors. Doses of cyclophosphamide that ablated NAb were associated with severe toxicities, characterized by viral replication in systemic organs--toxicities that are mirrored by repeated reovirus injections into B-cell knockout mice. Next, we restructured the dosing of cyclophosphamide and i.v. virus such that a dose of 3 mg cyclophosphamide was administered 24 h before reovirus injection, and this schedule was repeated every 6 days. Using this protocol, high levels of intratumoral viral access and replication ( approximately 10(7) plaque-forming units per milligram tumor) were maintained along with systemically protective levels of NAb and only very mild, non-life-threatening toxicity.<h4>Conclusion</h4>NAb to oncolytic viruses play a dual role in the context of systemic viral delivery; on one hand, they hinder repeated administration of virus but on the other, they provide an important safety mechanism by which virus released from vigorous intratumoral replication is neutralized before it can disseminate and cause toxicity. These data support the use of cyclophosphamide to modulate, but not ablate, patient NAb, in development of carefully controlled clinical trials of the systemic administration of oncolytic viruses.
Clinical trials of oncolytic virotherapy have shown low toxicity and encouraging signs of efficacy. However, it remains critically important to develop methods for systemic viral delivery if such therapies are to be clinically implemented to treat established tumors. In this respect, much effort is being focused on combining oncolytic viruses with standard treatment modalities such as inhibitors of VEGF165 (an alternatively spliced isoform of VEGF-A) signaling, which are widely used to treat several different cancers. Here, we have demonstrated that combining VEGF165 inhibitors with systemic delivery of oncolytic viruses leads to substantial regression and cure of established tumors in immunocompetent mice. We have shown that manipulating VEGF165-mediated signaling by administering VEGF165 to mice harboring mouse melanoma cells that do not express VEGF165 and by administering a VEGF inhibitor and then withdrawing treatment to allow VEGF levels to rebound in mice harboring mouse melanoma cells expressing VEGF165 allows tumor-associated endothelial cells transiently to support viral replication. This approach led to direct tumor cell lysis and triggered innate immune-mediated attack on the tumor vasculature. It also resulted in long-term antitumor effects, even against tumors in which viral replication is poorly supported. Since this combinatorial approach targets the tumor endothelium, we believe these data have direct, wide-ranging, and immediate clinical applicability across a broad range of tumor types.
To protect viral particles from neutralization, sequestration, nonspecific adhesion, and mislocalization following systemic delivery, we have previously exploited the natural tumor-homing properties of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells. Thus, OT-I T cells, preloaded in vitro with the oncolytic vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), can deliver virus to established B16ova tumors to generate significantly better therapy than that achievable with OT-I T cells, or systemically delivered VSV, alone. Here, we demonstrate that preconditioning immune-competent mice with Treg depletion and interleukin-2 (IL-2), before adoptive T-cell therapy with OT-I T cells loaded with VSV, leads to further highly significant increases in antitumor therapy. Therapy was associated with antitumor immune memory, but with no detectable toxicities associated with IL-2, Treg depletion, or systemic dissemination of the oncolytic virus. Efficacy was contributed by multiple factors, including improved persistence of T cells; enhanced delivery of VSV to tumors; increased persistence of OT-I cells in vivo resulting from tumor oncolysis; and activation of NK cells, which acquire potent antitumor and proviral activities. By controlling the levels of virus loaded onto the OT-I cells, adoptive therapy was still effective in mice preimmune to the virus, indicating that therapy with virus-loaded T cells may be useful even in virus-immune patients. Taken together, our data show that it is possible to combine adoptive T-cell therapy, with biological therapy (Treg depletion+IL-2), and VSV virotherapy, to treat established tumors under conditions where none of the individual modalities alone is successful.
Oncolytic viruses are tumour selective and able to lyse cancer cells after infection. Reovirus is an example of a wild-type oncolytic virus and is currently being investigated as a potential novel therapy for cancer. This overview gives a brief description of what is known about reovirus biology and summarises the preclinical data related to its oncolytic ability. The completed and ongoing clinical trials involving reovirus, both as a single agent and in combination with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, will be reviewed and their results discussed. Many of these clinical studies are being conducted by centres in the UK.
A close connectivity between autoimmune and tumor rejection responses is known to exist in the case of melanoma immunotherapy. However, relatively little is known about self-antigens on other types of normal cells, their relation to the development of autoimmune disease, and their possible coexistence as potential tumor rejection antigens on associated tumors. In the current study, we induced inflammatory killing of normal prostate tissue in situ using a fusogenic membrane glycoprotein along with the immune adjuvant hsp70. We show here that, in the prostate, hsp70 induces interleukin (IL)-6, which triggers a CD4- and CD8-dependent progressive autoimmune reactivity, associated with IL-17 expression. This autoimmune response was also able to induce the rejection of established prostate tumors, but not other histologic types of tumors, growing elsewhere in the animal. These data show that the intimate connectivity between autoimmune and tumor rejection responses extends beyond the classic melanoma paradigm and may be clinically valuable for the treatment of established metastatic disease of the prostate.
<h4>Purpose</h4>To test combination treatment schedules of reovirus and radiation in human and murine tumor cells in vitro and in vivo.<h4>Experimental design</h4>In vitro cytotoxicity and cell cycle effects of reovirus given alone and combined with radiotherapy were assessed by colorimetric, tissue culture infectious dose 50, and fluorescence-activated cell sorting-based assays. Interactions between the agents were evaluated using combination index analysis. The effect of different schedules of reovirus and radiotherapy on viral replication and cytotoxicity was tested in vitro and the combination was assessed in three tumor models in vivo.<h4>Results</h4>Characterization of reovirus cytotoxicity in a panel of cell lines yielded a range of sensitivities. Combined reovirus and radiotherapy yielded statistically significantly increased cytotoxicity, particularly in cell lines with moderate susceptibility to reovirus alone. The enhanced cytotoxicity of the combination occurred independently of treatment sequence or schedule. Radiation did not affect viral replication and only reduced reoviral cytotoxicity after clinically irrelevant single doses (>50 Gy). Combination index analysis revealed synergy between radiation (3-10 Gy) and reovirus at multiplicities of infection between 0.001 and 1. Combination treatment significantly increased apoptosis in tumor cells relative to either single-agent treatment. In vivo studies using xenograft and syngeneic tumors showed enhanced activity of the combination relative to reovirus or radiation alone (P < 0.001).<h4>Conclusions</h4>Combining reovirus and radiotherapy synergistically enhances cytotoxicity in a variety of tumor cells in vitro and in vivo. These results offer strong support for translational clinical trials of reovirus plus radiotherapy that have been initiated in the clinic.
We have a long-term interest in the connectivity between autoimmunity and tumor rejection. However, outside of the melanocyte/melanoma paradigm, little is known about whether autoimmune responses to normal tissue can induce rejection of tumors of the same histologic type. Here, we induced direct, pathogen-like cytotoxicity to the normal pancreas in association with the immune adjuvant heat shock protein 70. In sharp contrast to our studies with a similar approach for the treatment of prostate cancer, inflammatory killing of the normal pancreas induced a Th1-like, anti-self-response to pancreatic antigens, which was rapidly suppressed by a concomitant suppressive regulatory T cell (Treg) response. Interestingly, even when Treg cells were depleted, the Th1-like response was insufficient to induce significant ongoing autoimmunity. However, the Th1-like response to antigens expressed in the pancreas at the time of damage was sufficient to induce rejection of tumors expressing either a foreign (ova) antigen or fully syngeneic tumor antigens (on Panc02 tumor cells), provided that Treg were depleted before inflammatory killing of the normal pancreas. Taken together, these data indicate that profound differences exist between the immunoprotective mechanisms in place between different tissues (pancreas and prostate) in their response to pathogen-like damage. Moreover, they also show that, although multiple layers of immunologic safeguards are in place to prevent the development of severe autoimmune consequences in the pancreas (in contrast to the prostate), tumor rejection responses can still be decoupled from pathologic autoimmune responses in vivo, which may provide novel insights into the immunotherapeutic treatment of pancreatic cancer.
In many common cancers, dissemination of secondary tumors via the lymph nodes poses the most significant threat to the affected individual. Metastatic cells often reach the lymph nodes by mimicking the molecular mechanisms used by hematopoietic cells to traffic to peripheral lymphoid organs. Therefore, we exploited naive T cell trafficking in order to chaperone an oncolytic virus to lymphoid organs harboring metastatic cells. Metastatic burden was initially reduced by viral oncolysis and was then eradicated, as tumor cell killing in the lymph node and spleen generated protective antitumor immunity. Lymph node purging of tumor cells was possible even in virus-immune mice. Adoptive transfer of normal T cells loaded with oncolytic virus into individuals with cancer would be technically easy to implement both to reduce the distribution of metastases and to vaccinate the affected individual in situ against micrometastatic disease. As such, this adoptive transfer could have a great therapeutic impact, in the adjuvant setting, on many different cancer types.
The sodium iodide symporter (NIS) is responsible for thyroidal, salivary, gastric, intestinal and mammary iodide uptake. It was first cloned from the rat in 1996 and shortly thereafter from human and mouse tissue. In the intervening years, we have learned a great deal about the biology of NIS. Detailed knowledge of its genomic structure, transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation and pharmacological modulation has underpinned the selection of NIS as an exciting approach for targeted gene delivery. A number of in vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated the potential of using NIS gene therapy as a means of delivering highly conformal radiation doses selectively to tumours. This strategy is particularly attractive because it can be used with both diagnostic (99mTc, 125I, 124I)) and therapeutic (131I, 186Re, 188Re, 211At) radioisotopes and it lends itself to incorporation with standard treatment modalities, such as radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy. In this article, we review the biology of NIS and discuss its development for gene therapy.
<h4>Purpose</h4>Dendritic cells (DC) may be the most effective way of delivering oncolytic viruses to patients. Reovirus, a naturally occurring oncolytic virus, is currently undergoing early clinical trials; however, intravenous delivery of the virus is hampered by pre-existing antiviral immunity. Systemic delivery via cell carriage is a novel approach currently under investigation and initial studies have indicated its feasibility by using a variety of cell types and viruses. This study addressed the efficacy of human DC to transport virus in the presence of human neutralizing serum.<h4>Experimental design</h4>Following reovirus-loading, DC or T cells were cocultured with melanoma cells with or without neutralizing serum; the melanoma cells were then analyzed for cell death. Following reovirus loading, cells were examined by electron microscopy to identify mechanisms of delivery. The phagocytic function of reovirus-loaded DC was investigated by using labeled tumor cells and the ability of reovirus-loaded DC to prime T cells was also investigated.<h4>Results</h4>In the presence of human neutralizing serum DC, but not T cells, were able to deliver reovirus for melanoma cell killing in vitro. Electron microscopy suggested that DC protected the virus by internalization, whereas with T cells it remained bound to the surface and hence accessible to neutralizing antibodies. Furthermore, DC loaded with reovirus were fully functional with regard to phagocytosis and priming of specific antitumor immune responses.<h4>Conclusions</h4>The delivery of reovirus via DC could be a promising new approach offering the possibility of combining systemic viral therapy for metastatic disease with induction of an antitumor immune response.
Viral therapy of cancer includes strategies such as viral transduction of tumour cells with 'suicide genes', using viral infection to trigger immune-mediated tumour cell death and using oncolytic viruses for their direct anti-tumour action. However, problems still remain in terms of adequate viral delivery to tumours. A role is also emerging for single-organ isolation and perfusion. Having begun with the advent of isolated limb perfusion for extremity malignancy, experimental systems have been developed for the perfusion of other organs, particularly the liver, kidneys and lungs. These are beginning to be adopted into clinical treatment pathways. The combination of these two modalities is potentially significant. Locoregional perfusion increases the exposure of tumour cells to viral agents. In addition, the avoidance of systemic elimination through the immune and reticulo-endothelial systems should provide a mechanism for increased transduction/infection of target cells. The translation of laboratory research to clinical practice would occur within the context of perfusion programmes, which are already established in the clinic. Many of these programmes include the use of vasoactive cytokines such as tumour necrosis factor-alpha, which may have an effect on viral uptake. Evidence of activation of specific anti-tumour immunological responses by intratumoural and other existing methods of viral administration raises the intriguing possibility of a locoregional therapy, with the ability to affect distant sites of disease. In this review, we examined the state of the literature in this area and summarized current findings before indicating likely areas of continuing interest.
It is time for those working on oncolytic viruses to take stock of the status of the field. We now have at our disposal an array of potential therapeutic agents, and are beginning to conduct early-phase clinical trials in patients with relapsed/metastatic cancers. By drawing on lessons learned during the development of other biological therapies, such as monoclonal antibodies and targeted small molecule inhibitors, we are now in a position to chart the course of the next wave of trials that will go beyond the phase I studies of safety and feasibility. In this article we review our approach to the development of oncolytic viruses as cancer therapeutics. In doing so, we emphasise the fact that this process is modular and involves multiple iterative steps between the laboratory and the clinic. Ultimately, at least in the medium term, the future of oncolytic virotherapy lies in combination regimens with standard anti-cancer agents such as radiation and chemotherapy.
Reovirus is a naturally occurring oncolytic virus currently in early clinical trials. However, the rapid induction of neutralizing antibodies represents a major obstacle to successful systemic delivery. This study addresses, for the first time, the ability of cellular carriers in the form of T cells and dendritic cells (DC) to protect reovirus from systemic neutralization. In addition, the ability of these cellular carriers to manipulate the subsequent balance of anti-viral versus anti-tumour immune response is explored. Reovirus, either neat or loaded onto DC or T cells, was delivered intravenously into reovirus-naive or reovirus-immune C57Bl/6 mice bearing lymph node B16tk melanoma metastases. Three and 10 days after treatment, reovirus delivery, carrier cell trafficking, metastatic clearance and priming of anti-tumour/anti-viral immunity were assessed. In naive mice, reovirus delivered either neat or through cell carriage was detectable in the tumour-draining lymph nodes 3 days after treatment, though complete clearance of metastases was only obtained when the virus was delivered on T cells or mature DC (mDC); neat reovirus or loaded immature DC (iDC) gave only partial early tumour clearance. Furthermore, only T cells carrying reovirus generated anti-tumour immune responses and long-term tumour clearance; reovirus-loaded DC, in contrast, generated only an anti-viral immune response. In reovirus-immune mice, however, the results were different. Neat reovirus was completely ineffective as a therapy, whereas mDC--though not iDC--as well as T cells, effectively delivered reovirus to melanoma in vivo for therapy and anti-tumour immune priming. Moreover, mDC were more effective than T cells over a range of viral loads. These data show that systemically administered neat reovirus is not optimal for therapy, and that DC may be an appropriate vehicle for carriage of significant levels of reovirus to tumours. The pre-existing immune status against the virus is critical in determining the balance between anti-viral and anti-tumour immunity elicited when reovirus is delivered by cell carriage, and the viral dose and mode of delivery, as well as the immune status of patients, may profoundly affect the success of any clinical anti-tumour viral therapy. These findings are therefore of direct translational relevance for the future design of clinical trials.
Radiation has been shown to up-regulate gene expression from adenoviral vectors in previous studies. In the current study, we show that radiation-induced dsDNA breaks and subsequent signaling through the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway are responsible, at least in part, for this enhancement of transgene expression both in vitro and in vivo. Inhibitors of ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-mutated, and DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK)-mediated DNA repair were shown to maintain dsDNA breaks (gammaH2AX foci) by fluorescence-activated cell sorting and microscopy. Inhibition of DNA repair was associated with increased green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression from a replication-defective adenoviral vector (Ad-CMV-GFP). Radiation-induced up-regulation of gene expression was abrogated by inhibitors of MAPK (PD980059 and U0126) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (LY294002) but not by p38 MAPK inhibition. A reporter plasmid assay in which GFP was under the transcriptional control of artificial Egr-1 or cytomegalovirus promoters showed that the DNA repair inhibitors increased GFP expression only in the context of the Egr-1 promoter. In vivo administration of a water-soluble DNA-PK inhibitor (KU0060648) was shown to maintain luciferase expression in HCT116 xenografts after intratumoral delivery of Ad-RSV-Luc. These data have important implications for therapeutic strategies involving multimodality use of radiation, targeted drugs, and adenoviral gene delivery and provide a framework for evaluating potential advantageous combinatorial effects.
<h4>Purpose</h4>Early clinical trials are under way exploring the direct oncolytic potential of reovirus. This study addresses whether tumor infection by reovirus is also able to generate bystander, adaptive antitumor immunity.<h4>Experimental design</h4>Reovirus was delivered intravenously to C57BL/6 mice bearing lymph node metastases from the murine melanoma, B16-tk, with assessment of nodal metastatic clearance, priming of antitumor immunity against the tumor-associated antigen tyrosinase-related protein-2, and cytokine responses. In an in vitro human system, the effect of reovirus infection on the ability of Mel888 melanoma cells to activate and load dendritic cells for cytotoxic lymphocyte (CTL) priming was investigated.<h4>Results</h4>In the murine model, a single intravenous dose of reovirus reduced metastatic lymph node burden and induced antitumor immunity (splenocyte response to tyrosinase-related protein-2 and interleukin-12 production in disaggregated lymph nodes). In vitro human assays revealed that uninfected Mel888 cells failed to induce dendritic cell maturation or support priming of an anti-Mel888 CTL response. In contrast, reovirus-infected Mel888 cells (reo-Mel) matured dendritic cells in a reovirus dose-dependent manner. When cultured with autologous peripheral blood lymphocytes, dendritic cells loaded with reo-Mel induced lymphocyte expansion, IFN-gamma production, specific anti-Mel888 cell cytotoxicity, and cross-primed CD8+ T cells specific against the human tumor-associated antigen MART-1.<h4>Conclusion</h4>Reovirus infection of tumor cells reduces metastatic disease burden and primes antitumor immunity. Future clinical trials should be designed to explore both direct cytotoxic and immunotherapeutic effects of reovirus.
<h4>Purpose</h4>To determine the safety and feasibility of daily i.v. administration of wild-type oncolytic reovirus (type 3 Dearing) to patients with advanced cancer, assess viral excretion kinetics and antiviral immune responses, identify tumor localization and replication, and describe antitumor activity.<h4>Experimental design</h4>Patients received escalating doses of reovirus up to 3 x 10(10) TCID(50) for 5 consecutive days every 4 weeks. Viral excretion was assessed by reverse transcription-PCR and antibody response by cytotoxicity neutralization assay. Pretreatment and post-treatment tumor biopsies were obtained to measure viral uptake and replication.<h4>Results</h4>Thirty-three patients received 76 courses of reovirus from 1 x 10(8) for 1 day up to 3 x 10(10) TCID(50) for 5 days, repeated every four weeks. Dose-limiting toxicity was not seen. Common grade 1 to 2 toxicities included fever, fatigue, and headache, which were dose and cycle independent. Viral excretion at day 15 was not detected by reverse transcription-PCR at 25 cycles and only in 5 patients at 35 cycles. Neutralizing antibodies were detected in all patients and peaked at 4 weeks. Viral localization and replication in tumor biopsies were confirmed in 3 patients. Antitumor activity was seen by radiologic and tumor marker (carcinoembryonic antigen, CA19.9, and prostate-specific antigen) evaluation.<h4>Conclusions</h4>Oncolytic reovirus can be safely and repeatedly administered by i.v. injection at doses up to 3 x 10(10) TCID(50) for 5 days every 4 weeks without evidence of severe toxicities. Productive reoviral infection of metastatic tumor deposits was confirmed. Reovirus is a safe agent that warrants further evaluation in phase II studies.
Oncolytic viruses are novel anticancer agents, currently under investigation in Phase I-III clinical trials. Until recently, most studies have focused on the direct antitumor properties of these viruses, although there is now an increasing body of evidence that the host immune response may be critical to the efficacy of oncolytic virotherapy. This may be mediated via innate immune effectors, adaptive antiviral immune responses eliminating infected cells or adaptive antitumor immune responses. This report summarizes preclinical and clinical evidence for the importance of immune interactions, which may be finely balanced between viral and tumor elimination. On this basis, oncolytic viruses represent a promising novel immunotherapy strategy, which may be optimally combined with existing therapeutic modalities.
A number of oncolytic viruses (OVs) have undergone extensive preclinical and preliminary clinical evaluation. In addition to their intrinsic antitumor activities, OVs have the potential to enhance the radiation response in a range of tumor types. In this review, significant advances in OV therapy are discussed, with a specific emphasis on those strategies that are likely to be of clinical use. In particular the use of wild-type OVs (eg, reovirus and measles) and engineered unarmed OVs (eg, adenoviruses and HSVs) as radiosensitizers, and engineered armed OVs that express genes that can enhance the radiation response are highlighted. This latter group includes strategies such as virus-directed enzyme prodrug therapy, radiosensitizing cytokine therapy (eg, TNFalpha) and radionuclide uptake (eg, the sodium iodide symporter and the norepinephrine transporter) gene therapy. Future directions for the clinical development of OVs are also discussed.
Oncolytic viruses can exert their antitumor activity via direct oncolysis or activation of antitumor immunity. Although reovirus is currently under clinical investigation for the treatment of localized or disseminated cancer, any potential immune contribution to its efficacy has not been addressed. This is the first study to investigate the ability of reovirus to activate human dendritic cells (DC), key regulators of both innate and adaptive immune responses. Reovirus induced DC maturation and stimulated the production of the proinflammatory cytokines IFN-alpha, TNF-alpha, IL-12p70, and IL-6. Activation of DC by reovirus was not dependent on viral replication, while cytokine production (but not phenotypic maturation) was inhibited by blockade of PKR and NF-kappaB signaling. Upon coculture with autologous NK cells, reovirus-activated DC up-regulated IFN-gamma production and increased NK cytolytic activity. Moreover, short-term coculture of reovirus-activated DC with autologous T cells also enhanced T cell cytokine secretion (IL-2 and IFN-gamma) and induced non-Ag restricted tumor cell killing. These data demonstrate for the first time that reovirus directly activates human DC and that reovirus-activated DC stimulate innate killing by not only NK cells, but also T cells, suggesting a novel potential role for T cells in oncolytic virus-induced local tumor cell death. Hence reovirus recognition by DC may trigger innate effector mechanisms to complement the virus's direct cytotoxicity, potentially enhancing the efficacy of reovirus as a therapeutic agent.
Reovirus is a promising unmodified double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) anti-cancer oncolytic virus, which is thought to specifically target cells with activated Ras. Although reovirus has been tested in a wide range of preclinical models and has entered early clinical trials, it has not previously been tested for the treatment of human melanoma. Here, we show that reovirus effectively kills and replicates in both human melanoma cell lines and freshly resected tumour; intratumoural injection also causes regression of melanoma in a xenograft in vivo model. Reovirus-induced melanoma death is blocked by caspase inhibition and is dependent on constituents of the Ras/RalGEF/p38 pathway. Reovirus melanoma killing is more potent than, and distinct from, chemotherapy or radiotherapy-induced cell death; a range of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines are released by infected tumour cells, while IL-10 secretion is abrogated. Furthermore, the inflammatory response generated by reovirus-infected tumour cells causes bystander toxicity against reovirus-resistant tumour cells and activates human myeloid dendritic cells (DC) in vitro. Hence, reovirus is suitable for clinical testing in melanoma, and may provide a useful danger signal to reverse the immunologically suppressive environment characteristic of this tumour.
The development and progression of cancer is marked by the acquisition of specific genetic hallmarks that endow tumour cells with a survival advantage over their normal tissue counterparts. In the process, tumours frequently develop resistance to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and acquire the ability to evade the host immune response. Cancer gene therapy (CGT) represents an ideal therapeutic tool to target one or more of these underlying genetic abnormalities, and restore some form of order, to the otherwise autonomous and discordant microenvironment of the tumour. Most of the current research in CGT is aimed at its development as a novel form of targeted therapy that can be combined with other treatment modalities such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy. CGT may be integrated into radical chemoradiotherapy regimens, with the rationale of optimising the therapeutic index, through selective enhancement of radiosensitivity and cytotoxicity in tumour compared to normal tissues. CGT strategies have been developed that are aimed at enhancing the radiosensitivity of tissues by targeting angiogenesis, silencing abnormal cellular signalling, restoration of apoptosis, and promotion of immune detection and destruction of tumour cells. In addition, cytotoxic approaches such as virus directed enzyme prodrug therapy (VDEPT), genetic radionuclide therapy (GRANT) and oncolytic viral therapy have been combined with radiation to augment the cumulative tumour cell kill and overall therapeutic effect. In this article, we discuss various CGT strategies that have been investigated in combination with radiation. All the available preclinical and clinical evidence is reviewed with special emphasis on strategies that have already found their way into the clinic, or those with significant translational potential for the future.
Dendritic cells are key orchestrators of the immune system. There is considerable interest in their use for treating cancer. Whether they initiate an effective cytotoxic response against antigen-bearing cells, or produce tolerance, depends on the context in which those antigens are presented. Ionising radiation, and the cell death it causes, has several properties that may facilitate such an effective response. A range of in-vitro and in-vivo data supports this, although potential problems exist that may require concurrent strategies.
The three-way interaction between oncolytic viruses, the tumor microenvironment, and the immune system is critical to the outcome of antitumor therapy. Classically, the immune system is thought to limit the efficacy of therapy, leading to viral clearance. However, preclinical and clinical data suggest that in some cases virotherapy may in fact act as cancer immunotherapy. In this review we discuss the ability of oncolytic viruses to alter the immunogenic milieu of the tumor microenvironment, and the role of innate and adaptive immunity in both restricting and augmenting therapy. Strategies to improve virotherapy by immunomodulation, including suppression or enhancement of the innate and adaptive responses, are discussed.
We have previously reported that a burst of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling to tumor-associated endothelium induces a proviral state, during which systemically delivered oncolytic reovirus can replicate in endothelium, thereby inducing immune-mediated vascular collapse and significant antitumor therapy. Using chimeric receptors, we show here that induction of the proviral state proceeds through VEGFR2, but not VEGFR1, signaling in endothelial cells. In contrast, innate immune activation by reovirus-exposed endothelial cells was predominantly through VEGFR1. By screening conventional chemotherapies for their ability to induce similar effects in combination with reovirus both in vitro and in vivo, we observed that the proviral state could also be induced in endothelial cells exposed to VEGF during rebound from paclitaxel-mediated inhibition of VEGF signaling. We translated these in vitro findings in vivo by careful scheduling of paclitaxel chemotherapy with systemic virotherapy, neither of which alone had therapeutic effects against B16 tumors. Systemic availability of reovirus during endothelial cell recovery from paclitaxel treatment allowed for endothelial replication of the virus, immune-mediated therapy, and tumor cures. Therefore, careful scheduling of combination viro- and chemotherapies, which preclinical testing suggests are individually ineffective against tumor cells, can lead to rational new clinical protocols for systemic treatments with oncolytic viruses.
<h4>Purpose</h4>To determine the safety and feasibility of combining intratumoral reovirus and radiotherapy in patients with advanced cancer and to assess viral biodistribution, reoviral replication in tumors, and antiviral immune responses.<h4>Experimental design</h4>Patients with measurable disease amenable to palliative radiotherapy were enrolled. In the first stage, patients received radiotherapy (20 Gy in five fractions) plus two intratumoral injections of RT3D at doses between 1 x 10(8) and 1 x 10(10) TCID(50). In the second stage, the radiotherapy dose was increased (36 Gy in 12 fractions) and patients received two, four, or six doses of RT3D at 1 x 10(10) TCID(50). End points were safety, viral replication, immunogenicity, and antitumoral activity.<h4>Results</h4>Twenty-three patients with various solid tumors were treated. Dose-limiting toxicity was not seen. The most common toxicities were grade 2 (or lower) pyrexia, influenza-like symptoms, vomiting, asymptomatic lymphopenia, and neutropenia. There was no exacerbation of the acute radiation reaction. Reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) studies of blood, urine, stool, and sputum were negative for viral shedding. In the low-dose (20 Gy in five fractions) radiation group, two of seven evaluable patients had a partial response and five had stable disease. In the high-dose (36 Gy in 12 fractions) radiation group, five of seven evaluable patients had partial response and two stable disease.<h4>Conclusions</h4>The combination of intratumoral RT3D and radiotherapy was well tolerated. The favorable toxicity profile and lack of vector shedding means that this combination should be evaluated in newly diagnosed patients receiving radiotherapy with curative intent.
<h4>Background</h4>Reovirus type 3 Dearing (T3D) has demonstrated oncolytic activity in vitro, in in vivo murine models and in early clinical trials. However the true potential of oncolytic viruses may only be realized fully in combination with other modalities such as chemotherapy, targeted therapy and radiotherapy. In this study, we examine the oncolytic activity of reovirus T3D and chemotherapeutic agents against human prostate cancer cell lines, with particular focus on the highly metastatic cell line PC3 and the chemotherapeutic agent docetaxel. Docetaxel is the standard of care for metastatic prostate cancer and acts by disrupting the normal process of microtubule assembly and disassembly. Reoviruses have been shown to associate with microtubules and may require this association for efficient viral replication.<h4>Methods</h4>The effects of reovirus and chemotherapy on in vitro cytotoxicity were investigated in PC3 and Du 145 cells and the interactions between agents were assessed by combination index analysis. An Annexin V/propidium iodide fluorescence-activated cell sorting-based assay was used to determine mode of cell death. The effects of reovirus and docetaxel administered as single agent or combination therapy were tested in vivo in a murine model. The effects of docetaxel and reovirus, alone and together, on microtubule stabilisation were investigated by Western blot analysis.<h4>Results</h4>Variable degrees of synergistic cytotoxicity were observed in PC3 and Du 145 cells exposed to live reovirus and several chemotherapy agents. Combination of reovirus infection with docetaxel exposure led to increased late apoptotic/necrotic cell populations. Reovirus/docetaxel combined therapy led to reduced tumour growth and increased survival in a PC3 tumour bearing mouse model. Microtubule stabilization was enhanced in PC3 cells treated with reovirus/docetaxel combined therapy compared to other reovirus/chemotherapy combinations.<h4>Conclusions</h4>The co-administration of a variety of chemotherapeutic agents with live reovirus was able to enhance cytotoxicity synergistically in vitro. The combination of docetaxel with reovirus also delayed tumour growth and improved survival in vivo. Enhanced microtubule stabilisation following this combination treatment may, in part, explain the mechanism of synergy. These results provide evidence to support the ongoing clinical trials using these agents.
Despite having potent oncolytic activity, in vitro, direct intratumoral injection of oncolytic vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) into established AE17ova mesothelioma tumors in C57Bl/6 mice had no therapeutic effect. During studies to combine systemic cyclophosphamide (CPA) with VSV to suppress the innate immune reaction against VSV, we observed that CPA alone had highly significant antitumor effects in this model. However, against our expectations, the combination of CPA and VSV consistently reduced therapeutic efficacy compared to CPA alone, despite the fact that the combination increased intratumoral VSV titers. We show here that CPA-mediated therapy against AE17ova tumors was immune-mediated and dependent upon both CD4 T cells and natural killer (NK) cells. However, intratumoral VSV induced a transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β)-dependent suppressive activity, mediated by CD11b(+)GR-1(+) cells that significantly inhibited both antigen-specific T-cell activation, and CPA-activated, NK-dependent killing of AE17ova tumor cells. Overall, our results show that treatment with oncolytic viruses can induce a variety of immune-mediated consequences in vivo with both positive, or negative, effects on antitumor therapy. These underexplored immune consequences of treatment with oncolytic viruses may have significant, and possibly unexpected, impacts on how virotherapy interacts in combination with other agents which modulate antitumor immune effectors.
Effective cancer immunotherapy requires the release of a broad spectrum of tumor antigens in the context of potent immune activation. We show here that a cDNA library of normal tissue, expressed from a highly immunogenic viral platform, cures established tumors of the same histological type from which the cDNA library was derived. Immune escape occurred with suboptimal vaccination, but tumor cells that escaped the immune pressure were readily treated by second-line virus-based immunotherapy. This approach has several major advantages. Use of the cDNA library leads to presentation of a broad repertoire of (undefined) tumor-associated antigens, which reduces emergence of treatment-resistant variants and also permits rational, combined-modality approaches in the clinic. Finally, the viral vectors can be delivered systemically, without the need for tumor targeting, and are amenable to clinical-grade production. Therefore, virus-expressed cDNA libraries represent a novel paradigm for cancer treatment addressing many of the key issues that have undermined the efficacy of immuno- and virotherapy to date.
Escherichia coli nitroreductase (NTR) converts the prodrug CB1954 (5-(aziridin-1-yl)-2,4-dinitrobenzamide) into a bifunctional alkylating agent that causes DNA crosslinks. In this study, the ability of NTR to enhance the combined effects of CB1954 and radiation has been tested in vitro and in vivo. Stably transduced ovarian cancer cells (SKOV3-NTR) that are sensitive to CB1954 (IC(50)=0.35 muM) demonstrated enhanced cytotoxicity when treated with CB1954 and single-fraction irradiation. The NTR-CB1954 system mediated a bystander effect in combination with radiation on transfer of conditioned medium from SKOV3-NTR, but not SKOV3, cells to SW480 target cells. The ability of CB1954 to enhance radiation-induced cytotoxicity in SKOV3-NTR (but not SKOV3) cells was also demonstrated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) with dual staining for propidium iodide/fluorescein diacetate, 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole dichloride staining of apoptotic cells and measurement of double-stranded DNA breaks by FACS and confocal microscopy for gammaH2AX foci. Adenoviral delivery of NTR, under constitutive cytomegalovirus or tissue-specific CTP1 promoters, increased the in vitro cytotoxicity of CB1954 plus radiation in MTT and clonogenic assays. Finally, adenoviral delivery of NTR plus CB1954 enhanced the effect of fractionated radiotherapy (12 Gy in four fractions) in SW480 xenograft tumours in nude mice.
Adenoviral (AdV) transfer of sodium iodide symporter (NIS) gene has translational potential, but relatively low levels of transduction and subsequent radioisotope uptake limit the efficacy of the approach. In previous studies, we showed that combining NIS gene delivery with external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) and DNA damage repair inhibitors increased viral gene expression and radioiodide uptake. Here, we report the therapeutic efficacy of this strategy. An adenovirus expressing NIS from a telomerase promoter (Ad-hTR-NIS) was cytotoxic combined with relatively high-dose (50 microCi) (131)I therapy and enhanced the efficacy of EBRT combined with low-dose (10 and 25 microCi) (131)I therapy in colorectal and head and neck cancer cells. Combining this approach with ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) or DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) inhibition caused maintenance of double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs) at 24 hours and increased cytotoxicity on clonogenic assay. When the triplet of NIS-mediated (131)I therapy, EBRT, and DNA-PKi was used in vivo, 90% of mice were tumor-free at 5 weeks. Acute radiation toxicity in the EBRT field was not exacerbated. In contrast, DNA-PKi did not enhance the therapeutic efficacy of EBRT plus adenovirus-mediated HSVtk/ganciclovir (GCV). Therefore, combining NIS gene therapy and EBRT represents an ideal strategy to exploit the therapeutic benefits of novel radiosensitizers.
<h4>Purpose</h4>To test combination treatment schedules of reovirus and cisplatin chemotherapy in human and murine melanoma cell lines and murine models of melanoma and to investigate the possible mechanisms of synergistic antitumor effects.<h4>Experimental design</h4>The effects of reovirus +/- chemotherapy on in vitro cytotoxicity and viral replication were assessed using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium assay and plaque assay. Interactions between agents were assessed by combination index analysis. Mode of cell death was assessed by Annexin V/propidium iodide fluorescence-activated cell sorting-based assays; gene expression profiling of single versus combination treatments was completed using the Agilent microarray system. Single agent and combination therapy effects were tested in vivo in two immunocompetent models of murine melanoma.<h4>Results</h4>Variable degrees of synergistic cytotoxicity between live reovirus and several chemotherapy agents were observed in B16.F10 mouse melanoma cells, most significantly with cisplatin (combination index of 0.42 +/- 0.03 at ED(50)). Combination of cisplatin and reovirus exposure led to increased late apoptotic/necrotic cell populations. Cisplatin almost completely abrogated the inflammatory cytokine gene up-regulation induced by reovirus. Combination therapy led to significantly delayed tumor growth and improved survival in vivo (P < 0.0001 and P = 0.0003, respectively). Cisplatin had no effect on the humoral response to reovirus in mice. However, cisplatin treatment suppressed the cytokine and chemokine response to reovirus in vitro and in vivo.<h4>Conclusion</h4>The combination of reovirus and several chemotherapeutic agents synergistically enhanced cytotoxicity in human and murine melanoma cell lines in vitro and murine tumors in vivo. The data support the current reovirus/chemotherapy combination phase I clinical studies currently ongoing in the clinic.
Transfer of healthy autologous tissue as a microvascular free flap facilitates reconstruction during ablative cancer surgery. In addition to filling surgical defects, free flaps might concentrate viral vectors at the tumour bed and mediate local therapeutic effects. We evaluated the magnitude, topography and duration of luciferase gene expression after plasmid and adenoviral delivery in rat superficial inferior epigastric (SIE) flaps. For plasmid delivery, luciferase expression was significantly increased by all transduction routes (topical, intraflap injection, intravascular) (P<0.01) at day 1, but not at day 7. The spread of luciferase expression was significantly different between the 4 groups at 1 day (P=0.026) and was greatest for flaps transduced by intravascular injection. For adenoviral transduction, total radiance was significantly different between the transduced groups at 1, 14 and 28 days (P<0.05 for all comparisons). The highest levels of radiance were seen in the intravascular group. There was a statistically significant difference in the spread of light emission between the 3 groups at 1 (P=0.009) and 14 (P=0.013) days, but this was no longer evident at 28 days. Intravascular adenoviral delivery yields high-level, diffuse and durable gene expression in rat SIE flaps and is suitable for examination in therapeutic models.
<h4>Purpose</h4>REOLYSIN (Oncolytics Biotech) consists of a wild-type oncolytic reovirus, which has selective cytotoxicity for tumor cells while sparing normal cells. In a phase I study as a single agent, repeated infusions of reovirus were safe with evidence of antitumor activity. Preclinical studies indicate potential for synergy between reovirus and chemotherapeutic agents. A multicenter, phase I dose escalation study was designed to assess the safety of combining reovirus with docetaxel chemotherapy in patients with advanced cancer.<h4>Experimental design</h4>Patients received 75 mg/m(2) docetaxel (day 1) and escalating doses of reovirus up to 3 × 10(10) TCID(50) (days 1-5) every 3 weeks.<h4>Results</h4>Twenty-five patients were enrolled, and 24 patients were exposed to treatment, with 23 completing at least one cycle and 16 suitable for response assessment. Dose-limiting toxicity of grade 4 neutropenia was seen in one patient, but the maximum tolerated dose was not reached. Antitumor activity was seen with one complete response and three partial responses. A disease control rate (combined complete response, partial response, and stable disease) of 88% was observed. Immunohistochemical analysis of reovirus protein expression was observed in posttreatment tumor biopsies from three patients.<h4>Conclusion</h4>The combination of reovirus and docetaxel is safe, with evidence of objective disease response, and warrants further evaluation in a phase II study at a recommended schedule of docetaxel (75 mg/m(2), three times weekly) and reovirus (3 × 10(10) TCID(50), days 1-5, every 3 weeks).
<h4>Purpose</h4>To assess the effects of external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) on adenoviral-mediated transgene expression in vitro and in vivo and to define an optimal strategy for combining sodium iodide symporter (NIS)-mediated (131)I therapy with EBRT.<h4>Experimental design</h4>Expression of reporter genes [NIS, green fluorescent protein (GFP), beta-galactosidase (lacZ), and luciferase (Luc)] from replication-deficient adenoviruses was assessed in tumor cell lines under basal conditions and following irradiation. The effects of viral multiplicity of infection (MOI) and EBRT dose on the magnitude and duration of gene expression were determined. In vivo studies were done with Ad-CMV-GFP and Ad-RSV-Luc.<h4>Results</h4>EBRT increased NIS, GFP, and beta-galactosidase expression in colorectal, head and neck, and lung cancer cells. Radiation dose and MOI were important determinants of response to EBRT, with greatest effects at higher EBRT doses and lower MOIs. Radiation exerted both transductional (through increased coxsackie-adenoviral receptor and integrin alpha(v)) and nontransductional effects, irrespective of promoter sequence (CMV, RSV, hTR, or hTERT). Analysis of the schedule of EBRT followed by viral infection revealed maximal transduction at 24 hours. Radiation maintained increasing radioiodide uptake from Ad-hTR-NIS over 6 days, in direct contrast to reducing levels in unirradiated cells. The effects of EBRT in increasing and maintaining adenovirus-mediated transgene expression were also seen in vivo using GFP- and luciferase-expressing adenoviral vectors.<h4>Conclusions</h4>Radiation increased the magnitude and duration of NIS gene expression from replication-deficient adenoviruses. The transductional effect is maximal at 24 hours, but radioiodide uptake is maintained at an elevated level over 6 days after infection.
Oncolytic virotherapy may mediate antitumor effects via direct oncolysis or immune-mediated tumor regression. Although the ability of oncolytic viruses to generate adaptive antitumor immunity has been characterized, their interactions with the innate immune system are relatively unclear. Using a human in vitro system, this study investigates the innate immunological consequences of reovirus therapy and its potential to activate NK cell-mediated antitumor activity. Dendritic cells (DC) loaded with reovirus-infected human melanoma Mel888 cells (DC-MelReo), but not reovirus-infected tumor cells alone, induced IFN-gamma production within the NK cell population upon coculture with PBMC, in a cell-to-cell contact-dependent manner. DC-MelReo secreted the chemokines CCL2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, and CXCL10; these culture supernatants induced NK cell chemotaxis. Coculture of DC-MelReo with purified NK cells induced reciprocal contact-dependent phenotypic DC maturation, while DC-MelReo elicited up-regulation of the activation marker CD69 on NK cells, in a partially contact and partially IL-12 dependent manner. Significantly, DC-MelReo induced NK cell cytotoxicity toward tumor cells by a type I IFN dependent mechanism. These data demonstrate that tumor infection by reovirus can act via DC to induce NK cell recruitment, activation, and cytotoxicity, along with reciprocal DC maturation. These findings suggest that reciprocal DC-NK cell interactions, following reovirus therapy, may play an important role in altering the immune milieu of the tumor microenvironment and mediating tumor regression.
We have investigated how to make K1735 cells, a poor allogeneic melanoma vaccine, more effective for protection against B16 in vivo. To promote antigen release in an immunologically effective manner, tumor cells were transfected with a viral fusogenic membrane glycoprotein (vesicular stomatitis virus G glycoprotein), which kills cells through the formation, and degeneration, of large multinucleated syncytia. Vaccines consisting of a 1:1 mix of fusing allogeneic and autologous cells led to dramatic increases in survival of mice in both prophylactic and therapy models, dependent upon T cells, the mechanism of tumor-tumor cell fusion, and the nature of the fusion partner. Syncytia activate macrophages and fusogenic membrane glycoprotein-mediated cell killing very efficiently promotes cross-priming of immature dendritic cells with a model tumor antigen. Our data suggest that the unique manner in which syncytia develop and die provides a highly effective pathway for tumor antigen release and presentation to the immune system and offers a novel mechanism by which cancer cell vaccines may be prepared for clinical use.
The potential for increased sensitivity of tumor cells to oncolytic reovirus by altering the normal cell cycle using clinically available pharmacological agents was investigated. B16.F10 mouse melanoma cells were partially synchronized with hydroxyurea, thymidine, or by mitotic shake-off. Cell survival was determined using MTS [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)- 2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium)] survival assay and virus yield in tumors by plaque assay. An enhanced sensitivity to reovirus was observed following the removal of either hydroxyurea or thymidine from the culture medium (P < 0.0001). The greatest survival difference compared to normal cycling cells was noted when the majority of cells were in S and G2/M phases, and was associated with increased viral replication. Cells collected by mitotic shake-off were nearly devoid of cells in S phase and were less susceptible to reovirus-induced cell kill than their nonsynchronized counterparts (P < 0.0001). In vivo combination of hydroxyurea followed by intratumoral reovirus resulted in reduced tumor growth and increased survival compared to monotherapy (P = 0.0041) at 15 days. Increased amounts of virus were retrieved from tumors from mice treated with sequential hydroxyurea/reovirus compared to concomitant treatment or reovirus monotherapy. These data justify clinical evaluation of this approach supported by the extensive experience, low cost, simple administration, and availability of hydroxyurea.