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Journal Articles

Mavroeidis, L. Napolitano, A. Huang, P. Jones, R.L. (2024). Real-world evidence for ultra rare cancers. Rare tumors, Vol.16.  full text

Grünewald, T.G. Postel-Vinay, S. Nakayama, R.T. Berlow, N.E. Bolzicco, A. Cerullo, V. Dermawan, J.K. Frezza, A.M. Italiano, A. Jin, J.X. Le Loarer, F. Martin-Broto, J. Pecora, A. Perez-Martinez, A. Tam, Y.B. Tirode, F. Trama, A. Pasquali, S. Vescia, M. Wortmann, L. Wortmann, M. Yoshida, A. Webb, K. Huang, P.H. Keller, C. Antonescu, C.R. (2024). Translational Aspects of Epithelioid Sarcoma: Current Consensus. Clin cancer res, Vol.30 (6), pp. 1079-1092.  show abstract  full text

Rothermundt, C. Andreou, D. Blay, J.-. Brodowicz, T. Desar, I.M. Dileo, P. Gelderblom, H. Haas, R. Jakob, J. Jones, R.L. Judson, I. Kunz, W.G. Liegl-Atzwanger, B. Lindner, L.H. Messiou, C. Miah, A.B. Reichardt, P. Szkandera, J. van der Graaf, W.T. van Houdt, W.J. Wardelmann, E. Hofer, S. Andreou, D. Barth, T. Bauer, S. Blay, J.-. Blum, V. Bode, B. Bonvalot, S. Bovee, J. Braam, P. Brodowicz, T. Broto, J.M. Dei Tos, A. Denschlag, D. Desar, I. Digklia, A. Dileo, P. Dirksen, U. Douchy, T. Duffaud, F. Eriksson, M. Fröhling, S. Gelderblom, H. Gronchi, A. Haas, R. Hardes, J. Hartmann, W. Hofer, S. Hohenberger, P. Hompes, D. Huang, P. Italiano, A. Jakob, J. Jones, R. Judson, I. Köhler, G. Kollàr, A. Krasniqi, F. Krol, S. Kunz, W. Le Grange, F. Le Pechoux, C. LeCesne, A. Leithner, A. Liegl-Atzwanger, B. Lindner, L. Mechtersheimer, G. Messiou, C. Miah, A. Pink, D. Reichardt, P. Romagosa, C. Rothermundt, C. Rutkowski, P. Safwat, A. Sangalli, C. Szkandera, J. Thway, K. Tunn, P.-. Van der Graaf, W. Van Houdt, W. Wardelmann, E. Zachariah, R. Botter, S. Cerny, T. (2023). Controversies in the management of patients with soft tissue sarcoma: Recommendations of the Conference on State of Science in Sarcoma 2022. European journal of cancer, Vol.180, pp. 158-179.  full text

Tam, Y.B. Jones, R.L. Huang, P.H. (2023). Molecular profiling in desmoplastic small round cell tumours. Int j biochem cell biol, Vol.157, p. 106383.  show abstract  full text

Kerrison, W.G. Thway, K. Jones, R.L. Huang, P.H. (2023). The biology and treatment of leiomyosarcomas. Crit rev oncol hematol, Vol.184, p. 103955.  show abstract  full text

Rasmussen, S.V. Wozniak, A. Lathara, M. Goldenberg, J.M. Samudio, B.M. Bickford, L.R. Nagamori, K. Wright, H. Woods, A.D. Chauhan, S. Lee, C.-. Rudzinski, E.R. Swift, M.K. Kondo, T. Fisher, D.E. Imyanitov, E. Machado, I. Llombart-Bosch, A. Andrulis, I.L. Gokgoz, N. Wunder, J. Mirotaki, H. Nakamura, T. Srinivasa, G. Thway, K. Jones, R.L. Huang, P.H. Berlow, N.E. Schöffski, P. Keller, C. (2023). Functional genomics of human clear cell sarcoma: genomic, transcriptomic and chemical biology landscape for clear cell sarcoma. Br j cancer, Vol.128 (10), pp. 1941-1954.  show abstract  full text

Chrisochoidou, Y. Roy, R. Farahmand, P. Gonzalez, G. Doig, J. Krasny, L. Rimmer, E.F. Willis, A.E. MacFarlane, M. Huang, P.H. Carragher, N.O. Munro, A.F. Murphy, D.J. Veselkov, K. Seckl, M.J. Moffatt, M.F. Cookson, W.O. Pardo, O.E. (2023). Crosstalk with lung fibroblasts shapes the growth and therapeutic response of mesothelioma cells. Cell death dis, Vol.14 (11), p. 725.  show abstract  full text

Arthur, A. Orton, M.R. Emsley, R. Vit, S. Kelly-Morland, C. Strauss, D. Lunn, J. Doran, S. Lmalem, H. Nzokirantevye, A. Litiere, S. Bonvalot, S. Haas, R. Gronchi, A. Van Gestel, D. Ducassou, A. Raut, C.P. Meeus, P. Spalek, M. Hatton, M. Le Pechoux, C. Thway, K. Fisher, C. Jones, R. Huang, P.H. Messiou, C. (2023). A CT-based radiomics classification model for the prediction of histological type and tumour grade in retroperitoneal sarcoma (RADSARC-R): a retrospective multicohort analysis. Lancet oncol, Vol.24 (11), pp. 1277-1286.  show abstract  full text

Stacchiotti, S. Baldi, G.G. Frezza, A.M. Morosi, C. Greco, F.G. Collini, P. Barisella, M. Dagrada, G.P. Zaffaroni, N. Pasquali, S. Gronchi, A. Huang, P. Ingrosso, M. Tinè, G. Miceli, R. Casali, P.G. (2023). Regorafenib in advanced solitary fibrous tumour: Results from an exploratory phase II clinical study. Eur j cancer, Vol.195, p. 113391.  show abstract

Golčić, M. Jones, R.L. Huang, P. Napolitano, A. (2023). Evaluation of Systemic Treatment Options for Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours. Cancers (basel), Vol.15 (16).  show abstract  full text

Burns, J. Wilding, C.P. Krasny, L. Zhu, X. Chadha, M. Tam, Y.B. Ps, H. Mahalingam, A.H. Lee, A.T. Arthur, A. Guljar, N. Perkins, E. Pankova, V. Jenks, A. Djabatey, V. Szecsei, C. McCarthy, F. Ragulan, C. Milighetti, M. Roumeliotis, T.I. Crosier, S. Finetti, M. Choudhary, J.S. Judson, I. Fisher, C. Schuster, E.F. Sadanandam, A. Chen, T.W. Williamson, D. Thway, K. Jones, R.L. Cheang, M.C. Huang, P.H. (2023). The proteomic landscape of soft tissue sarcomas. Nat commun, Vol.14 (1), p. 3834.  show abstract  full text

Meissner, M. Napolitano, A. Thway, K. Huang, P. Jones, R.L. (2023). Pharmacotherapeutic strategies for epithelioid sarcoma: are we any closer to a non-surgical cure?. Expert opin pharmacother, Vol.24 (12), pp. 1395-1401.  show abstract

Vyse, S. Huang, P.H. (2022). Amivantamab for the treatment of EGFR exon 20 insertion mutant non-small cell lung cancer. Expert rev anticancer ther, Vol.22 (1), pp. 3-16.  show abstract  full text

Chadha, M. Huang, P.H. (2022). Proteomic and Metabolomic Profiling in Soft Tissue Sarcomas. Curr treat options oncol, Vol.23 (1), pp. 78-88.  show abstract  full text

Mahalingam, P. Julve, M. Huang, P. Furness, A.J. Pollack, S.M. Jones, R.L. (2022). Immunotherapy of sarcomas with modified T cells. Curr opin oncol, Vol.34 (4), pp. 362-370.  show abstract  full text

Kerrison, W.G. Ning, J. Krasny, L. Arthur, A. Guljar, N. Elms, M.L. Swain, A. Jones, R.L. Thway, K. Huang, P.H. (2022). Characterisation of a Novel Cell Line (ICR-SS-1) Established from a Patient-Derived Xenograft of Synovial Sarcoma. Cells, Vol.11 (15).  show abstract  full text

Smrke, A. Frezza, A.M. Giani, C. Somaiah, N. Brahmi, M. Czarnecka, A.M. Rutkowski, P. Van der Graaf, W. Baldi, G.G. Connolly, E. Duffaud, F. Huang, P.H. Gelderblom, H. Bhadri, V. Grimison, P. Mahar, A. Stacchiotti, S. Jones, R.L. (2022). Systemic treatment of advanced clear cell sarcoma: results from a retrospective international series from the World Sarcoma Network. Esmo open, Vol.7 (3), p. 100522.  show abstract  full text

Burns, J. Brown, J.M. Jones, K.B. Huang, P.H. (2022). The Cancer Genome Atlas: Impact and Future Directions in Sarcoma. Surg oncol clin n am, Vol.31 (3), pp. 559-568.  show abstract

Rasmussen, S.V. Jin, J.X. Bickford, L.R. Woods, A.D. Sahm, F. Crawford, K.A. Nagamori, K. Goto, H. Torres, K.E. Sidoni, A. Rudzinski, E.R. Thway, K. Jones, R.L. Ciulli, A. Wright, H. Lathara, M. Srinivasa, G. Kannan, K. Huang, P.H. Grünewald, T.G. Berlow, N.E. Keller, C. (2022). Functional genomic analysis of epithelioid sarcoma reveals distinct proximal and distal subtype biology. Clin transl med, Vol.12 (7), p. e961.  show abstract  full text

Goggin, C. Stansfeld, A. Mahalingam, P. Thway, K. Smith, M.J. Huang, P. Jones, R.L. Napolitano, A. (2022). Ripretinib in advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors: an overview of current evidence and drug approval. Future oncol, Vol.18 (26), pp. 2967-2978.  show abstract  full text

Frankel, A.O. Lathara, M. Shaw, C.Y. Wogmon, O. Jackson, J.M. Clark, M.M. Eshraghi, N. Keenen, S.E. Woods, A.D. Purohit, R. Ishi, Y. Moran, N. Eguchi, M. Ahmed, F.U. Khan, S. Ioannou, M. Perivoliotis, K. Li, P. Zhou, H. Alkhaledi, A. Davis, E.J. Galipeau, D. Randall, R.L. Wozniak, A. Schoffski, P. Lee, C.-. Huang, P.H. Jones, R.L. Rubin, B.P. Darrow, M. Srinivasa, G. Rudzinski, E.R. Chen, S. Berlow, N.E. Keller, C. (2022). Machine learning for rhabdomyosarcoma histopathology. Mod pathol, Vol.35 (9), pp. 1193-1203.  show abstract

Georgiesh, T. Aggerholm-Pedersen, N. Schöffski, P. Zhang, Y. Napolitano, A. Bovée, J.V. Hjelle, Å. Tang, G. Spalek, M. Nannini, M. Swanson, D. Baad-Hansen, T. Sciot, R. Hesla, A.C. Huang, P. Dorleijn, D. Haugland, H.K. Lacambra, M. Skoczylas, J. Pantaleo, M.A. Haas, R.L. Meza-Zepeda, L.A. Haller, F. Czarnecka, A.M. Loong, H. Jebsen, N.L. van de Sande, M. Jones, R.L. Haglund, F. Timmermans, I. Safwat, A. Bjerkehagen, B. Boye, K. (2022). Validation of a novel risk score to predict early and late recurrence in solitary fibrous tumour. Br j cancer, Vol.127 (10), pp. 1793-1798.  show abstract  full text

Cojocaru, E. Napolitano, A. Fisher, C. Huang, P. Jones, R.L. Thway, K. (2022). What's the latest with investigational drugs for soft tissue sarcoma?. Expert opin investig drugs, Vol.31 (11), pp. 1239-1253.  show abstract

Burns, J. Jones, R.L. Huang, P.H. (2022). Molecular subtypes of leiomyosarcoma: Moving toward a consensus. Clinical and translational discovery, Vol.2 (4).  full text

Pacini, L. Cabal, V.N. Hermsen, M.A. Huang, P.H. (2022). EGFR Exon 20 Insertion Mutations in Sinonasal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cancers (basel), Vol.14 (2).  show abstract  full text

Krasny, L. Wilding, C.P. Perkins, E. Arthur, A. Guljar, N. Jenks, A.D. Fisher, C. Judson, I. Thway, K. Jones, R.L. Huang, P.H. (2022). Proteomic Profiling Identifies Co-Regulated Expression of Splicing Factors as a Characteristic Feature of Intravenous Leiomyomatosis. Cancers (basel), Vol.14 (12).  show abstract  full text

Kerrison, W.G. Lee, A.T. Thway, K. Jones, R.L. Huang, P.H. (2022). Current Status and Future Directions of Immunotherapies in Soft Tissue Sarcomas. Biomedicines, Vol.10 (3).  show abstract  full text

Napolitano, A. Thway, K. Smith, M.J. Huang, P.H. Jones, R.L. (2022). KIT Exon 9-Mutated Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours: Biology and Treatment. Chemotherapy, Vol.67 (2), pp. 81-90.  show abstract

Phillips, E. Jones, R.L. Huang, P. Digklia, A. (2022). Efficacy of Eribulin in Soft Tissue Sarcomas. Front pharmacol, Vol.13, p. 869754.  show abstract  full text

Arthur, A. Johnston, E.W. Winfield, J.M. Blackledge, M.D. Jones, R.L. Huang, P.H. Messiou, C. (2022). Virtual Biopsy in Soft Tissue Sarcoma How Close Are We?. Front oncol, Vol.12, p. 892620.  show abstract  full text

(2022). Systemic therapy is effective in the management of leiomyomatosis. European journal of gynaecological oncology, Vol.43 (3), pp. 83-83.  full text

Thrussell, I. Winfield, J.M. Orton, M.R. Miah, A.B. Zaidi, S.H. Arthur, A. Thway, K. Strauss, D.C. Collins, D.J. Koh, D.-. Oelfke, U. Huang, P.H. O'Connor, J.P. Messiou, C. Blackledge, M.D. (2022). Radiomic Features From Diffusion-Weighted MRI of Retroperitoneal Soft-Tissue Sarcomas Are Repeatable and Exhibit Change After Radiotherapy. Front oncol, Vol.12, p. 899180.  show abstract  full text

Krasny, L. Huang, P.H. (2021). Data-independent acquisition mass spectrometry (DIA-MS) for proteomic applications in oncology. Mol omics, Vol.17 (1), pp. 29-42.  show abstract  full text

Vyse, S. Thway, K. Huang, P.H. Jones, R.L. (2021). Next-generation sequencing for the management of sarcomas with no known driver mutations. Curr opin oncol, Vol.33 (4), pp. 315-322.  show abstract  full text

Merry, E. Thway, K. Jones, R.L. Huang, P.H. (2021). Predictive and prognostic transcriptomic biomarkers in soft tissue sarcomas. Npj precis oncol, Vol.5 (1), p. 17.  show abstract  full text

Cojocaru, E. Palahepitiva Gamage, G. Butler, J. Barton, D.P. Thway, K. Fisher, C. Messiou, C. Miah, A.B. Zaidi, S. Gennatas, S. Benson, C. Huang, P. Jones, R.L. (2021). Clinical management and outcomes of primary ovarian leiomyosarcoma - Experience from a sarcoma specialist unit. Gynecol oncol rep, Vol.36, p. 100737.  show abstract  full text

Stacchiotti, S. Miah, A.B. Frezza, A.M. Messiou, C. Morosi, C. Caraceni, A. Antonescu, C.R. Bajpai, J. Baldini, E. Bauer, S. Biagini, R. Bielack, S. Blay, J.Y. Bonvalot, S. Boukovinas, I. Bovee, J.V. Boye, K. Brodowicz, T. Callegaro, D. De Alava, E. Deoras-Sutliff, M. Dufresne, A. Eriksson, M. Errani, C. Fedenko, A. Ferraresi, V. Ferrari, A. Fletcher, C.D. Garcia Del Muro, X. Gelderblom, H. Gladdy, R.A. Gouin, F. Grignani, G. Gutkovich, J. Haas, R. Hindi, N. Hohenberger, P. Huang, P. Joensuu, H. Jones, R.L. Jungels, C. Kasper, B. Kawai, A. Le Cesne, A. Le Grange, F. Leithner, A. Leonard, H. Lopez Pousa, A. Martin Broto, J. Merimsky, O. Merriam, P. Miceli, R. Mir, O. Molinari, M. Montemurro, M. Oldani, G. Palmerini, E. Pantaleo, M.A. Patel, S. Piperno-Neumann, S. Raut, C.P. Ravi, V. Razak, A.R. Reichardt, P. Rubin, B.P. Rutkowski, P. Safwat, A.A. Sangalli, C. Sapisochin, G. Sbaraglia, M. Scheipl, S. Schöffski, P. Strauss, D. Strauss, S.J. Sundby Hall, K. Tap, W.D. Trama, A. Tweddle, A. van der Graaf, W.T. Van De Sande, M.A. Van Houdt, W. van Oortmerssen, G. Wagner, A.J. Wartenberg, M. Wood, J. Zaffaroni, N. Zimmermann, C. Casali, P.G. Dei Tos, A.P. Gronchi, A. (2021). Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, an ultra-rare cancer: a consensus paper from the community of experts. Esmo open, Vol.6 (3), p. 100170.  show abstract  full text

Chamberlain, F. Benson, C. Thway, K. Huang, P. Jones, R.L. Gennatas, S. (2021). Pharmacotherapy for liposarcoma: current and emerging synthetic treatments. Future oncol, Vol.17 (20), pp. 2659-2670.  show abstract  full text

Krasny, L. Huang, P.H. (2021). Advances in the proteomic profiling of the matrisome and adhesome. Expert rev proteomics, Vol.18 (9), pp. 781-794.  show abstract  full text

Smrke, A. Thway, K. H Huang, P. Jones, R.L. Hayes, A.J. (2021). Solitary fibrous tumor: molecular hallmarks and treatment for a rare sarcoma. Future oncol, Vol.17 (27), pp. 3627-3636.  show abstract  full text

Pacini, L. Jenks, A.D. Lima, N.C. Huang, P.H. (2021). Targeting the Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor (FGFR) Family in Lung Cancer. Cells, Vol.10 (5).  show abstract  full text

Smrke, A. Benson, C. Strauss, D.C. Hayes, A.J. Thway, K. Hallin, M. Fisher, C. Messiou, C. Huang, P.H. Jones, R.L. Smith, M.J. (2021). Gastrointestinal leiomyosarcoma demonstrate a predilection for distant recurrence and poor response to systemic treatments. Eur j surg oncol, Vol.47 (10), pp. 2595-2601.  show abstract

Smrke, A. Tam, Y.B. Anderson, P.M. Jones, R.L. Huang, P.H. (2021). The perplexing role of immuno-oncology drugs in osteosarcoma. J bone oncol, Vol.31, p. 100400.  show abstract  full text

Smrke, A.M. Huang, P.H. Jones, R.L. (2021). Sirolimus for patients with progressive epithelioid hemangioendothelioma. Cancer, Vol.127 (4), pp. 504-506.  show abstract  full text

Smrke, A. Anderson, P.M. Gulia, A. Gennatas, S. Huang, P.H. Jones, R.L. (2021). Future Directions in the Treatment of Osteosarcoma. Cells, Vol.10 (1).  show abstract  full text

Peck, B. Bland, P. Mavrommati, I. Muirhead, G. Cottom, H. Wai, P.T. Maguire, S.L. Barker, H.E. Morrison, E. Kriplani, D. Yu, L. Gibson, A. Falgari, G. Brennan, K. Farnie, G. Buus, R. Marlow, R. Novo, D. Knight, E. Guppy, N. Kolarevic, D. Susnjar, S. Milijic, N.M. Naidoo, K. Gazinska, P. Roxanis, I. Pancholi, S. Martin, L.-. Holgersen, E.M. Cheang, M.C. Noor, F. Postel-Vinay, S. Quinn, G. McDade, S. Krasny, L. Huang, P. Daley, F. Wallberg, F. Choudhary, J.S. Haider, S. Tutt, A.N. Natrajan, R. (2021). 3D Functional Genomics Screens Identify CREBBP as a Targetable Driver in Aggressive Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Cancer res, Vol.81 (4), pp. 847-859.  show abstract  full text

Milighetti, M. Krasny, L. Lee, A.T. Morani, G. Szecsei, C. Chen, Y. Guljar, N. McCarthy, F. Wilding, C.P. Arthur, A. Fisher, C. Judson, I. Thway, K. Cheang, M.C. Jones, R.L. Huang, P.H. (2021). Proteomic profiling of soft tissue sarcomas with SWATH mass spectrometry. J proteomics, Vol.241, p. 104236.  show abstract  full text

Napolitano, A. Ostler, A.E. Jones, R.L. Huang, P.H. (2021). Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor (FGFR) Signaling in GIST and Soft Tissue Sarcomas. Cells, Vol.10 (6).  show abstract  full text

Kasper, B. Achee, A. Schuster, K. Wilson, R. van Oortmerssen, G. Gladdy, R.A. Hemming, M.L. Huang, P. Ingham, M. Jones, R.L. Pollack, S.M. Reinke, D. Sanfilippo, R. Schuetze, S.M. Somaiah, N. Van Tine, B.A. Wilky, B. Okuno, S. Trent, J. (2021). Unmet Medical Needs and Future Perspectives for Leiomyosarcoma Patients-A Position Paper from the National LeioMyoSarcoma Foundation (NLMSF) and Sarcoma Patients EuroNet (SPAEN). Cancers (basel), Vol.13 (4).  show abstract  full text

Pacini, L. Jenks, A.D. Vyse, S. Wilding, C.P. Arthur, A. Huang, P.H. (2021). Tackling Drug Resistance in EGFR Exon 20 Insertion Mutant Lung Cancer. Pharmgenomics pers med, Vol.14, pp. 301-317.  show abstract  full text

Pankova, V. Thway, K. Jones, R.L. Huang, P.H. (2021). The Extracellular Matrix in Soft Tissue Sarcomas: Pathobiology and Cellular Signalling. Front cell dev biol, Vol.9, p. 763640.  show abstract  full text

Lima, N.C. Atkinson, E. Bunney, T.D. Katan, M. Huang, P.H. (2020). Targeting the Src Pathway Enhances the Efficacy of Selective FGFR Inhibitors in Urothelial Cancers with FGFR3 Alterations. Int j mol sci, Vol.21 (9).  show abstract  full text

Cojocaru, E. Wilding, C. Engelman, B. Huang, P. Jones, R.L. (2020). Is the IDH Mutation a Good Target for Chondrosarcoma Treatment?. Current molecular biology reports, Vol.6 (1), pp. 1-9.  show abstract  full text

Harrison, P.T. Vyse, S. Huang, P.H. (2020). Rare epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations in non-small cell lung cancer. Semin cancer biol, Vol.61, pp. 167-179.  show abstract  full text

Burns, J. Wilding, C.P. L Jones, R. H Huang, P. (2020). Proteomic research in sarcomas - current status and future opportunities. Semin cancer biol, Vol.61, pp. 56-70.  show abstract  full text

Wilding, C.P. Loong, H.H. Huang, P.H. Jones, R.L. (2020). Tropomyosin receptor kinase inhibitors in the management of sarcomas. Curr opin oncol, Vol.32 (4), pp. 307-313.  show abstract  full text

Smrke, A. Gennatas, S. Huang, P. Jones, R.L. (2020). Avapritinib in the treatment of PDGFRA exon 18 mutated gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Future oncol, Vol.16 (22), pp. 1639-1646.  show abstract  full text

Chen, T.W. Burns, J. Jones, R.L. Huang, P.H. (2020). Optimal Clinical Management and the Molecular Biology of Angiosarcomas. Cancers (basel), Vol.12 (11).  show abstract  full text

Cojocaru, E. Thway, K. Fisher, C. Messiou, C. Zaidi, S. Miah, A.B. Benson, C. Gennatas, S. Huang, P. Jones, R.L. (2020). Efficacy of Gemcitabine-based Chemotherapy in Clear Cell Sarcoma of Soft Tissue. Anticancer res, Vol.40 (12), pp. 7003-7007.  show abstract  full text

Krasny, L. Bland, P. Burns, J. Lima, N.C. Harrison, P.T. Pacini, L. Elms, M.L. Ning, J. Martinez, V.G. Yu, Y.-. Acton, S.E. Ho, P.-. Calvo, F. Swain, A. Howard, B.A. Natrajan, R.C. Huang, P.H. (2020). A mouse SWATH-mass spectrometry reference spectral library enables deconvolution of species-specific proteomic alterations in human tumour xenografts. Dis model mech, Vol.13 (7).  show abstract  full text

Chamberlain, F.E. Wilding, C. Jones, R.L. Huang, P. (2019). Pazopanib in patients with advanced intermediate-grade or high-grade liposarcoma. Expert opin investig drugs, Vol.28 (6), pp. 505-511.  show abstract  full text

Lee, A.T. Chew, W. Wilding, C.P. Guljar, N. Smith, M.J. Strauss, D.C. Fisher, C. Hayes, A.J. Judson, I. Thway, K. Jones, R.L. Huang, P.H. (2019). The adequacy of tissue microarrays in the assessment of inter- and intra-tumoural heterogeneity of infiltrating lymphocyte burden in leiomyosarcoma. Sci rep, Vol.9 (1), p. 14602.  show abstract  full text

Wilding, C.P. Elms, M.L. Judson, I. Tan, A.-. Jones, R.L. Huang, P.H. (2019). The landscape of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in sarcomas: looking beyond pazopanib. Expert rev anticancer ther, Vol.19 (11), pp. 971-991.  show abstract  full text

Lee, A.T. Jones, R.L. Huang, P.H. (2019). Pazopanib in advanced soft tissue sarcomas. Signal transduct target ther, Vol.4 (1), p. 16.  show abstract  full text

Martinez, V.G. Pankova, V. Krasny, L. Singh, T. Makris, S. White, I.J. Benjamin, A.C. Dertschnig, S. Horsnell, H.L. Kriston-Vizi, J. Burden, J.J. Huang, P.H. Tape, C.J. Acton, S.E. (2019). Fibroblastic Reticular Cells Control Conduit Matrix Deposition during Lymph Node Expansion. Cell rep, Vol.29 (9), pp. 2810-2822.e5.  show abstract  full text

Vyse, S. Huang, P.H. (2019). Targeting EGFR exon 20 insertion mutations in non-small cell lung cancer. Signal transduct target ther, Vol.4, p. 5.  show abstract  full text

Antoniou, G. Lee, A.T. Huang, P.H. Jones, R.L. (2018). Olaratumab in soft tissue sarcoma - Current status and future perspectives. Eur j cancer, Vol.92, pp. 33-39.  show abstract  full text

Jenks, A.D. Vyse, S. Wong, J.P. Kostaras, E. Keller, D. Burgoyne, T. Shoemark, A. Tsalikis, A. de la Roche, M. Michaelis, M. Cinatl, J. Huang, P.H. Tanos, B.E. (2018). Primary Cilia Mediate Diverse Kinase Inhibitor Resistance Mechanisms in Cancer. Cell rep, Vol.23 (10), pp. 3042-3055.  show abstract  full text

Vyse, S. McCarthy, F. Broncel, M. Paul, A. Wong, J.P. Bhamra, A. Huang, P.H. (2018). Quantitative phosphoproteomic analysis of acquired cancer drug resistance to pazopanib and dasatinib. J proteomics, Vol.170, pp. 130-140.  show abstract  full text

Lee, A.T. Thway, K. Huang, P.H. Jones, R.L. (2018). Clinical and Molecular Spectrum of Liposarcoma. J clin oncol, Vol.36 (2), pp. 151-159.  show abstract  full text

Luczynski, M.T. Harrison, P.T. Lima, N. Krasny, L. Paul, A. Huang, P.H. (2018). Spatial localisation of Discoidin Domain Receptor 2 (DDR2) signalling is dependent on its collagen binding and kinase activity. Biochem biophys res commun, Vol.501 (1), pp. 124-130.  show abstract  full text

Harrison, P.T. Huang, P.H. (2018). Exploiting vulnerabilities in cancer signalling networks to combat targeted therapy resistance. Essays biochem, Vol.62 (4), pp. 583-593.  show abstract  full text

Krasny, L. Bland, P. Kogata, N. Wai, P. Howard, B.A. Natrajan, R.C. Huang, P.H. (2018). SWATH mass spectrometry as a tool for quantitative profiling of the matrisome. J proteomics, Vol.189, pp. 11-22.  show abstract  full text

Vyse, S. Desmond, H. Huang, P.H. (2017). Advances in mass spectrometry based strategies to study receptor tyrosine kinases. Iucrj, Vol.4 (Pt 2), pp. 119-130.  show abstract  full text

Tan, A.-. Vyse, S. Huang, P.H. (2017). Exploiting receptor tyrosine kinase co-activation for cancer therapy. Drug discovery today, Vol.22 (1), pp. 72-84.  full text

Huang, P.H. (2017). Targeting SWI/SNF mutant cancers with tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy. Expert review of anticancer therapy, Vol.17 (1), pp. 1-3.

Lee, A.T. Pollack, S.M. Huang, P. Jones, R.L. (2017). Phase III Soft Tissue Sarcoma Trials: Success or Failure?. Current treatment options in oncology, Vol.18 (3).  full text

Polychronidou, G. Karavasilis, V. Pollack, S.M. Huang, P.H. Lee, A. Jones, R.L. (2017). Novel therapeutic approaches in chondrosarcoma. Future oncol, Vol.13 (7), pp. 637-648.  show abstract  full text

Lima, N. Lee, A.T. Huang, P.H. (2017). Progress and impact of clinical phosphoproteomics on precision oncology. Translational cancer research, Vol.6, pp. S1108-S1114.

Vyse, S. Howitt, A. Huang, P.H. (2017). Exploiting Synthetic Lethality and Network Biology to Overcome EGFR Inhibitor Resistance in Lung Cancer. J mol biol, Vol.429 (12), pp. 1767-1786.  show abstract  full text

Payne, L.S. Huang, P.H. (2017). Targeted Analysis of Phosphotyrosine Signaling by Multiple Reaction Monitoring Mass Spectrometry. Methods mol biol, Vol.1636, pp. 263-281.  show abstract

Broncel, M. Huang, P.H. (2017). Analysis of Phosphotyrosine Signaling Networks in Lung Cancer Cell Lines. Methods mol biol, Vol.1636, pp. 253-262.  show abstract

Lee, A. Huang, P. DeMatteo, R.P. Pollack, S.M. (2016). Immunotherapy for Soft Tissue Sarcoma: Tomorrow Is Only a Day Away. American society of clinical oncology educational book. american society of clinical oncology. annual meeting, Vol.35, pp. 281-290.  show abstract

Krasny, L. Paul, A. Wai, P. Howard, B.A. Natrajan, R.C. Huang, P.H. (2016). Comparative proteomic assessment of matrisome enrichment methodologies. Biochem j, Vol.473 (21), pp. 3979-3995.  show abstract  full text

Lee, A.T. Huang, P.H. Pollack, S.M. Jones, R.L. (2016). Drug repositioning in sarcomas and other rare tumors. Ebiomedicine, Vol.6, pp. 4-5.  full text

Noujaim, J. Payne, L.S. Judson, I. Jones, R.L. Huang, P.H. (2016). Phosphoproteomics in translational research: a sarcoma perspective. Annals of oncology, Vol.27 (5), pp. 787-794.

Wong, J.P. Todd, J.R. Finetti, M.A. McCarthy, F. Broncel, M. Vyse, S. Luczynski, M.T. Crosier, S. Ryall, K.A. Holmes, K. Payne, L.S. Daley, F. Wai, P. Jenks, A. Tanos, B. Tan, A.-. Natrajan, R.C. Williamson, D. Huang, P.H. (2016). Dual Targeting of PDGFRα and FGFR1 Displays Synergistic Efficacy in Malignant Rhabdoid Tumors. Cell reports, Vol.17 (5), pp. 1265-1275.  full text

Maguire, S.L. Peck, B. Wai, P.T. Campbell, J. Barker, H. Gulati, A. Daley, F. Vyse, S. Huang, P. Lord, C.J. Farnie, G. Brennan, K. Natrajan, R. (2016). Three‐dimensional modelling identifies novel genetic dependencies associated with breast cancer progression in the isogenic MCF10 model. The journal of pathology, Vol.240 (3), pp. 315-328.  show abstract  full text

Corallino, S. Iwai, L.K. Payne, L.S. Huang, P.H. Sacco, F. Cesareni, G. Castagnoli, L. (2016). Alterations in the phosphoproteomic profile of cells expressing a non-functional form of the SHP2 phosphatase. N biotechnol, Vol.33 (5 Pt A), pp. 524-536.  show abstract

Todd, J.R. Ryall, K.A. Vyse, S. Wong, J.P. Natrajan, R.C. Yuan, Y. Tan, A.-. Huang, P.H. (2016). Systematic analysis of tumour cell-extracellular matrix adhesion identifies independent prognostic factors in breast cancer. Oncotarget, Vol.7 (39), pp. 62939-62953.  show abstract  full text

Tan, A.C. Ryall, K.A. Huang, P.H. (2016). Expanding the computational toolbox for interrogating cancer kinomes. Pharmacogenomics, Vol.17 (2), pp. 95-97.

Huang, P.H. Cook, R. Mittnacht, S. (2015). RB in DNA repair. Oncotarget, Vol.6 (25), pp. 20746-20747.  full text

Cook, R. Zoumpoulidou, G. Luczynski, M.T. Rieger, S. Moquet, J. Spanswick, V.J. Hartley, J.A. Rothkamm, K. Huang, P.H. Mittnacht, S. (2015). Direct involvement of retinoblastoma family proteins in DNA repair by non-homologous end-joining. Cell rep, Vol.10 (12), pp. 2006-2018.  show abstract  full text

Payne, L.S. Huang, P.H. (2014). Discoidin domain receptor 2 signaling networks and therapy in lung cancer. J thorac oncol, Vol.9 (6), pp. 900-904.  show abstract

Iwai, L.K. Luczynski, M.T. Huang, P.H. (2014). Discoidin domain receptors: a proteomic portrait. Cell mol life sci, Vol.71 (17), pp. 3269-3279.  show abstract  full text

Fu, H.-. Valiathan, R.R. Payne, L. Kumarasiri, M. Mahasenan, K.V. Mobashery, S. Huang, P. Fridman, R. (2014). Glycosylation at Asn211 regulates the activation state of the discoidin domain receptor 1 (DDR1). J biol chem, Vol.289 (13), pp. 9275-9287.  show abstract  full text

Iwai, L.K. Chang, F. Huang, P.H. (2013). Phosphoproteomic analysis identifies insulin enhancement of discoidin domain receptor 2 phosphorylation. Cell adh migr, Vol.7 (2), pp. 161-164.  show abstract

Payne, L.S. Huang, P.H. (2013). The pathobiology of collagens in glioma. Mol cancer res, Vol.11 (10), pp. 1129-1140.  show abstract

Iwai, L.K. Payne, L.S. Luczynski, M.T. Chang, F. Xu, H. Clinton, R.W. Paul, A. Esposito, E.A. Gridley, S. Leitinger, B. Naegle, K.M. Huang, P.H. (2013). Phosphoproteomics of collagen receptor networks reveals SHP-2 phosphorylation downstream of wild-type DDR2 and its lung cancer mutants. Biochem j, Vol.454 (3), pp. 501-513.  show abstract  full text

Fu, H.-. Valiathan, R.R. Arkwright, R. Sohail, A. Mihai, C. Kumarasiri, M. Mahasenan, K.V. Mobashery, S. Huang, P. Agarwal, G. Fridman, R. (2013). Discoidin domain receptors: unique receptor tyrosine kinases in collagen-mediated signaling. J biol chem, Vol.288 (11), pp. 7430-7437.  show abstract

Huang, P.H. (2012). Phosphoproteomic studies of receptor tyrosine kinases: future perspectives. Mol biosyst, Vol.8 (4), pp. 1100-1107.  show abstract  full text

Hedgethorne, K. Huang, P.H. (2012). Dacomitinib Pan-ErbB inhibitor, Oncolytic. Drugs of the future, Vol.37 (6), pp. 393-401.

Xu, H. Bihan, D. Chang, F. Huang, P.H. Farndale, R.W. Leitinger, B. (2012). Discoidin domain receptors promote α1β1- and α2β1-integrin mediated cell adhesion to collagen by enhancing integrin activation. Plos one, Vol.7 (12), p. e52209.  show abstract

Suwaki, N. Vanhecke, E. Atkins, K.M. Graf, M. Swabey, K. Huang, P. Schraml, P. Moch, H. Cassidy, A.M. Brewer, D. Al-Lazikani, B. Workman, P. De-Bono, J. Kaye, S.B. Larkin, J. Gore, M.E. Sawyers, C.L. Nelson, P. Beer, T.M. Geng, H. Gao, L. Qian, D.Z. Alumkal, J.J. Thomas, G. Thomas, G.V. (2011). A HIF-regulated VHL-PTP1B-Src signaling axis identifies a therapeutic target in renal cell carcinoma. Sci transl med, Vol.3 (85), p. 85ra47.  show abstract  full text

Huang, P.H. Miraldi, E.R. Xu, A.M. Kundukulam, V.A. Del Rosario, A.M. Flynn, R.A. Cavenee, W.K. Furnari, F.B. White, F.M. (2010). Phosphotyrosine signaling analysis of site-specific mutations on EGFRvIII identifies determinants governing glioblastoma cell growth. Mol biosyst, Vol.6 (7), pp. 1227-1237.  show abstract  full text

Hedgethorne, K. Huang, P.H. (2010). FORETINIB. Drugs of the future, Vol.35 (11), pp. 893-9.

Xu, A.M. Huang, P.H. (2010). Receptor tyrosine kinase coactivation networks in cancer. Cancer res, Vol.70 (10), pp. 3857-3860.  show abstract

Pines, G. Huang, P.H. Zwang, Y. White, F.M. Yarden, Y. (2010). EGFRvIV: a previously uncharacterized oncogenic mutant reveals a kinase autoinhibitory mechanism. Oncogene, Vol.29 (43), pp. 5850-5860.  show abstract

Joughin, B.A. Naegle, K.M. Huang, P.H. Yaffe, M.B. Lauffenburger, D.A. White, F.M. (2009). An integrated comparative phosphoproteomic and bioinformatic approach reveals a novel class of MPM-2 motifs upregulated in EGFRvIII-expressing glioblastoma cells. Mol biosyst, Vol.5 (1), pp. 59-67.  show abstract

Huang, P.H. Xu, A.M. White, F.M. (2009). Oncogenic EGFR signaling networks in glioma. Sci signal, Vol.2 (87), p. re6.  show abstract

Huang, P.H. Marais, R. (2009). Cancer: Melanoma troops massed. Nature, Vol.459 (7245), pp. 336-337.

Huang, P.H. White, F.M. (2008). Phosphoproteomics: unraveling the signaling web. Mol cell, Vol.31 (6), pp. 777-781.  show abstract

Wilker, E.W. van Vugt, M.A. Artim, S.A. Huang, P.H. Petersen, C.P. Reinhardt, H.C. Feng, Y. Sharp, P.A. Sonenberg, N. White, F.M. Yaffe, M.B. (2007). 14-3-3sigma controls mitotic translation to facilitate cytokinesis. Nature, Vol.446 (7133), pp. 329-332.  show abstract

Huang, P.H. Cavenee, W.K. Furnari, F.B. White, F.M. (2007). Uncovering therapeutic targets for glioblastoma: a systems biology approach. Cell cycle, Vol.6 (22), pp. 2750-2754.  show abstract

Huang, P.H. Mukasa, A. Bonavia, R. Flynn, R.A. Brewer, Z.E. Cavenee, W.K. Furnari, F.B. White, F.M. (2007). Quantitative analysis of EGFRvIII cellular signaling networks reveals a combinatorial therapeutic strategy for glioblastoma. Proc natl acad sci u s a, Vol.104 (31), pp. 12867-12872.  show abstract  full text


Tan, A.-. Huang, P.H. (2017). Kinase Signaling Networks, Humana Press, ISBN: 9781493971527.

(2016). Discoidin Domain Receptors in Health and Disease, Springer New York, ISBN: 9781493963812.

Book Chapters

van der Laan, P. Tirotta, F. Pankova, V. Ford, S. Huang, P. van Houdt, W.J. (2022). Atypical Patterns of Metastases: How Do Sarcomas Metastasize?. Cancer Metastasis Through the Lymphovascular System. (pp. 629-637). Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 9783030930837.

Mun, T.S. Doran, S. Huang, P. Messiou, C. Blackledge, M. (2022). Multi Modal Fusion for Radiogenomics Classification of Brain Tumor. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (pp. 344-355). Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 9783031089985.

Iwai, L.K. Payne, L.S. Allam, D. Huang, P.H. (2016). Discoidin Domain Receptor Signaling Networks. In Fridman, R.Huang, P.H. (Eds.), Discoidin Domain Receptors in Health and Disease. Springer-Verlag New York, ISBN: 978-1-4939-6383-6.

Huang, P.H. White, F.M. (2009). Selecting optimum combinations for therapeutic treatment of brain tumors using quantitative analysis of signaling networks. In Meir, E.G. (Ed.), CNS Cancer, Models, Prognostic Factors and Targets. (pp. 953-1284). Humana Press, ISBN: 9781603275521.

White, F.M. Huang, P.H. Farley, A. (2009). Phosphopeptide analysis using IMAC and mass spectrometry. In Link, A.J.LaBaer, J. (Eds.), Proteomics. (p. 228). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Pr, ISBN: 9780879697877.

Patents and patent applications

Wong, J.Huang, P.H. Methods and materials for treating cancer.