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The IMPACT study – Identification of men with a genetic predisposition to prostate cancer: Targeted screening in men at higher genetic risk and controls.

This study offers PSA screening to men carrying mutations in BRCA1, BRCA2 or the Lynch Syndrome genes MSH2, MSH6 or MLH1 who are at a higher risk of prostate cancer. The study aims to establish prostate cancer incidence and risk in this group of men and compare it with a control group of men who have tested negative for a known pathogenic mutation in their family.

Blood and urine samples are taken annually for 5-10 years to look for new markers of prostate cancer, plus an annual PSA reading.  Men who are found to have a PSA level above 3ng/ml are offered a prostate biopsy and if prostate cancer is found they are referred to a collaborating urologist to discuss treatment options.

The study is no longer open to recruitment for men with BRCA mutations or  men from families with Lynch Syndrome,  both parts of the study are in the follow up phase. 

The IMPACT Study currently has 2932 BRCA mutation and 825 Lynch mutation carriers participating within the study.  For further information about the IMPACT study, please take a look at our website.